Tuesday, January 23, 2007

January 21st, 2007

What's In Your Backyard?

I really need to get back in touch with old friends. Being at my elementary school again reminded me of that. It had changed a good deal; these rocks weren't there when I was, nor the trees. There's even a track in the field, which really surprised me. I wonder how much my old friends have changed. Have they too underwent a change, redefining who they are? I know I have.

January 20th, 2007

Global Warming? I See No Global Warming!

Finally, we have a good amount of snow. Not in time for Christmas, mind you, but still. On another walk around town, I noticed the old fire hall that I'd walk by every day to get home, which has since been used as a home by someone. Still, the two tress out front, and seeing the path I walked for at least eight years of my life made me happy. And hopefully it does the same for you.

January 19th, 2007

Ah, Friday, The Exit of The Week

After a tough week at University, all you want to do is get out. You want to run into your warm bed, and hide there from the onslaught that are assignments which you will be bombarded with by next week. Yes, and while the whole week you've been buried underneath a mountain of work, now you're free to play. And play you shall! But not in the snow. You've already dealt with too many cold hard numbers all week.

January 18th, 2007

"There is a path before me, the only way home..."

The lane winding between the Physics, CEIT (Dinosaur building), Engineering 2, Engineering 3, and the Davis Center has always struck me as very interesting. I always noticed how on one side you have the engineers, and on the other are the scientists. Two mortal enemies. (Not as mortla as other, but stick with me.) And if you simply Google search the title (minus the ...), you'll cash in on the homage I pay.

January 17th, 2007

Play Me Some Blues

It's interesting to see how the camera reacts under different lighting setups. This was late in the day, just about fifteen minutes before the street lights were to come on. It, surprising, made the picture more blue, probably due to the lack of light and the more uniform distribution of it, not to mention that it was lightly snowing (and if you know why the sky is blue, that makes a difference).

January 16th, 2007

It's a Slice of What You Snow, And Spoke Of

I'm running out of witty titles. This one was stretching it. Perhaps "Orange you glad I don't have a witty title" would have been better. Or "Guess who's in the spotlight!" Am I losing my touch? Is it all downhill from here? Will I be sentenced to live with a lawn covered in gnomes? Oh, and who ca tell me where this is?

January 15th, 2007

Warp 7, Captain

Ah, a lone bus in the middle of the night, trying to make its rounds on time. It's a very nice shot I think, the blur of light emitted juxtaposing against the darkness of night, while highlighting the relatively slow speed of everything else. It makes me just get this trippy 70's feeling of perspective. Perhaps I'll lay off the LSD...

January 14th, 2007

It's Just Math! I Mean, It's Elementary!

I went back to my elementary school, just to see how things were going there, and to also plan a few things for the future (no, it's not where to bury someone). It was pleasant to see the old playground which I had spent much time on, and worthy of a picture as well. It just goes to show you that sometimes, after you dust a little off the top, you find something beautiful.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

January 13th, 2007

Sentenced To A Lifetime Of Solitary Confinement

Our society is filled with people, like ourselves, who would like to communicate, and live with, our digital counterparts. We're always looking for the next game, optomizing our computer for better graphics, buying webcams and microphones, all in an attempt to not only fill the voids in our lives, but also to talk with people. Ironically, the more people we talk to, the more isolated we are. Don't turn around now; someone just might be there.

January 12th, 2007

Your Friday Is Being Shipped

Ah, the nice bus ride home on a Friday. With no one on the bus, spare three people, including the bus driver, what better way to relax than a nice view of a lightly snow covered city? I've always liked how the newest design for buses looked, and so I thought that the juxtaposition of the simple beside the complex would make for a good picture.

January 11th, 2007

Advertising, Old School Style

Triple U. I was late at night, after a lab, and I decided that I would just make this in the fresh snow that day. I think it was the next day that it was ruined by, but it still looked nice for that night. Please, appreciate the photograph that got me many strange looks, and almost run over by a cyclist.

January 10th, 2007

Mathematics: The Godfather of All Science

This isn't a great shot. It has nothing of beauty in it. It wasn't even my best shot of the day. But being able to capture a shot where two of my friends look like this was too good to pass up. The one on the left looks like he's contemplating his next hit, while the fellow on the right is just laughing at how easy his calculus assignment is. That's not the truth. But it's still funny.

January 9th, 2007

Let V Be An Empty Set

The Math Lounge looks like such a tranquil place in this shot; probably because you can't hear the continual discussions on WoW and the word buffalo, not to mention the whole language surrounding it. Still, the lounge is a great place if you're just looking for some place to study, or gather in idle conversation, although I personally think the balcony's nicer. Unless it's winter.

January 8th, 2007

The Forecast: Trees

The only things that disappoint me about this picture are the lack of snow, and the slight blurriness of the image. However, the presence of grass helps to accentuate the green on the trees, so it still works. I just enjoy how U of W can still have these green areas on campus. It's truly beautiful.

January 7th, 2007

Your Order Is Ready

My sister was getting out some sherbet for herself, in order to make some dessert. I thought that since this seemed like the most interesting things to occur to me the entire day, I would take a picture of it. And the Swiss Chalet spoon adds a nice touch.

The Delay

I apologize to everyone who reads this (all three of you), but I do have photos; I just haven't yet gotten around to posting them. So, today, you get a week's worth of memories.

Sunday, January 7, 2007

January 6th, 2007

Fade Away

Saturday was boring, in my opinion. The sky was overcast, there wasn't much to do, I needed human interaction, yet there I was, playing darts by my lonesome. It wasn’t a very interesting game. The picture is fairly straight-forward; the blue dart represents me on that day. There, yet not. Content, and yet bored. Useful, but lacking purpose. And the slightly yellow light on everything just enhances the boredom already inherent.

January 5th, 2007

Math 126

I arrived in my last class of the day early, and this picture summarizes the whole class experience known as Math 126: a blank page, almost no one in the room, and nice shiny metal things! Not to mention that the blackboard itself is out of focus, which is also what happened during the class, as the professor's voice slowly helped me drift off to sleep.

Oh No...

It appears that Google currently isn't letting me post pictures to this blog, so until this problem is solved, I'm stuck waiting. I'll attempt it again later today, but no promises. Sorry about the delay!

I would just like to thank Robyn and Amber who have commented on this idea. Hopefully I'll get the pictures up soon.

Thursday, January 4, 2007

January 4th, 2007

Ascend Little Ones, Ascend!

This, just like my last photo, was taken in the Davis Center as well. I really like how all the railings overlap, the post underneath the camera reflects the light coming in from the sky, and just the general idea about looking straight up a flight of stairs. To me, it's a beautiful demonstration of the mergence of both function and art.

January 3rd, 2007

Watch Life From The Slow Lane

Well, this is a picture I took at the Davis Center, in the University of Waterloo. I made it so that my camera would take in light over a period of a few seconds, which makes everyone who is not sitting down, blurred. I just think it was a neat effect.

As said above, if you wish to see this picture in its full 2048 x 1536 pixel glory, then just send me a message to that end, and I'll e-mail you a copy of it.