Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Location: Near 5 Navy Wharf Crescent and the Gardiner Expressway, Toronto, Ontario

Description: Lanes connecting Lake Shore Boulevard and the Gardiner Expressway with a sign on a telephone pole in the foreground, a business and empty parking lot behind, and two buildings on either side of that.

Story: "Scrap it."

She sighed. "Yes but-"

"It doesn't matter; scrap it." She looked disheartened, like she had done something wrong. "Look, I'm not saying what you've done is worthless, but you can't continue working on it. You know it doesn't work, because you've carved that piece of wood so much there's nothing left to work with. It's over. If you still want to do it, you'll have to start again."

She started to speak and this time he let her finish. "But I've only started! It's just rough right now. I haven't started on any of the detail."

He showed her the sketch she drew. "This is how you wanted it to look. You can't get to this. Either you have to start on a new piece of wood, adapt your design, or make something completely new." She was upset but holding it in; it would take some time before she could let this go. "Look at it this way: it's better to restart now than hours later." He handed her the sketch. "It'll look beautiful in the end and you know it. Dust yourself off and start again."

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