Sunday, November 28, 2010


Location: Under Highway 85 on Guelph Street

Description: A tunnel with a blinding white light on the mid-right of the picture.

Story: Excerpt from the rough copy of "End Down, Start Up: The Parabolic Arc of Business", Chapter 8:

After a company launches it's first product, regardless of its success, they start thinking about doing another one. This can be exhilarating as everyone is ready for a new challenge, but also daunting because they now know how much time and effort was put into the last one. Just like when you launched your first product, you need to unite everyone under a common vision and goal, and inspire them to do wonderful things.

It seems really slow when you start a second project. People will keep seeing how far they have to go, not how far they've come. It's hard to overcome that, but the best solution is to keep building excitement about the product and what's being done. Each step takes you closer to your goal, so you should always be excited that you're making progress.

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