Thursday, November 25, 2010


Location: The parking lot of Economical Insurance Group

Description: A parking lot full of cars with plants growing in the foreground, a building in the mid-ground on the right, and trees at the very back of the lot.

Story: Excerpt from the rough copy of "End Down, Start Up: The Parabolic Arc of Business", Chapter 2:

If you want to do more, you need more. Overall this is true, but we're in an age where we can do more with what we already have. Smartphones have taken over the PDA, MP3 player, GPS, and small camera markets, merging technologies together instead of doing them separately. You can consolidate and streamline your workspace.

The biggest change is the office itself. You don't need to be right next to someone to work with them since webcams and videoconferencing have come along. When you're starting your business, it'll be easier if you don't have to invest in office space right off, and instead have people work remotely. This is even true of older corporations who still have people commuting hours to get to work. In our knowledge-based society we must ask ourselves: does my body need to be there, or just my mind?

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