Monday, November 22, 2010


Location: The Grand River close to Riverbend Drive in Kitchener

Description: Shallow water flowing to the right with various branches and stones in the river

Story: Excerpt from the rough copy of "End Down, Start Up: The Parabolic Arc of Business", Chapter 5:

There are two simple philosophies to business: do what someone else has done and earn a steady source of income, or try something new and risk winning big or losing a lot. There are business that make a lot of money by taking someone else's idea or design and making knockoffs for significantly less, but this isn't challenging nor are you liable to be the only company trying to copy the big dogs.

On the other side are the companies that try to innovate and create something new. It's quite possible that you won't succeed, but you should still try because you can make a lot more money and a name for yourself. It's only by resisting the flow that ripples are made, and by going against it completely that waves are created.

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